2025 オーストラリア学生ビザの混乱(その1)現状















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International student numbers in Australia will be controlled by a new informal cap. Here’s how it will work

Published: December 19, 2024 6.04pm AEDT

The federal government has found a new way to manage the number of international students in Australia.
It has instructed immigration officials to prioritise student visa applications for all institutions, until they near the individual caps the government proposed for them earlier this year.
This will work as an informal cap, after the Coalition and Greens blocked Labor’s attempt to pass an international student caps bill in November. How will this work and what does the change mean for international students, universities, private colleges and TAFEs?


What is being proposed?

The government has made the change via a ministerial direction. This is an official instruction from a minister to a public body or organisation. For immigration, this means the minister can instruct decision makers on what to consider when processing on a visa application.

Under this ministerial direction, officials will manage student visa applications using a “prioritisation threshold”. This means officials will prioritise new student visa applications for all higher education and vocational training providers up to 80% of their international student allocations for 2025.


These allocations were set by the government in August, on the thinking legislation to enable their implementation would be approved by parliament before the end of the year.
This week’s new ministerial direction replaces an unpopular one made in December 2023, which instructed officials to prioritise applications for students wanting to go to “lower risk” institutions. Under the outgoing system – heavily criticised by the university sector – prospective students at regional universities and small providers were more likely to experience delays or have their visa applications refused.


The government says the new approach will manage international student numbers in a “fairer way”, particularly for regional and outer metropolitan universities and TAFEs.
For the university sector, it also provides some much-needed certainty about their ability to enrol international students. Peak body Universities Australia described it as a “commonsense decision”.

政府は、この新しいアプローチは、特に地方大学や大都市圏外の大学、TAFEにとって、「より公平な方法」で留学生数を管理することになるとしている。また、大学部門にとっては、留学生を入学させる能力について、切望されていた確実性を提供することになる。ピークにあるオーストラリア大学協会(Universities Australia)は、この決定を「常識的な決定」と評している。

The caps are part of a bigger immigration issue

The Albanese government has been trying to introduce caps on international students because of a big increase in net overseas migration. This is the change in the number of citizens and migrants living in Australia.

Net overseas migration increased much more quickly than the Australian government expected after international borders reopened in 2021. A 2023 review of Australia’s immigration regime also found the number of temporary migrants had swollen. International students were a big part of that increase.


To exert greater control over the numbers of international students, during the past year, the government has been introducing a raft of changes.
This includes higher English language requirements for students and doubling visa application fees to $A1,600.
Post-study visas allowing international students to stay in Australia after finishing their course were also reduced.
The proposed international student caps were the most recent part of these changes.


Unlike other parts of the migration program, international student visas have not normally been limited. So the proposed student caps bring international education more in line with other parts of the program.

We’re already seeing fewer international students arrive

Recent data shows net overseas migration is not falling fast enough to meet government targets.
There are, however, signs the various “go slow” approaches are working, at least with international students. The number of international students arriving in Australia is beginning to trend downwards.
It’s important to note the government is not necessarily seeking to cut the overall number of international students studying in Australia. Instead, it wants to limit the rate of growth to pre-pandemic levels.


The federal government has found a new way to manage the number of international students in Australia.
It has instructed immigration officials to prioritise student visa applications for all institutions, until they near the individual caps the government proposed for them earlier this year.This will work as an informal cap, after the Coalition and Greens blocked Labor’s attempt to pass an international student caps bill in November.

Why does this matter so much?

The Australian Bureau of Statistics estimates international education contributes $51 billion to the Australian economy. As part of this, higher education institutions receive almost $16 billion in tuition fees from international students.That means overall international student revenue is rivalling the amount universities receive from the government for domestic students.So the size of the sector, and its growth, makes it one of the biggest issues in tertiary education.


Watch out for more changes

The new ministerial direction suggests the government’s current priority is to gain control over the number of international students, while minimising the impact on the sector.
But ministerial directions that alter processing times have proven to be a blunt instrument when it comes to managing international student visas – as some regional universities discovered this year.
This means a longer-term solution, like legislative changes, may still be needed.
Meanwhile, next year’s federal election, and Labor and the Coaltion’s moves to make migration a key issue, mean Australia’s international education sector faces more uncertainty in 2025.





It’s very unfair’: Australia’s visa crackdown is disrupting international students and hitting university finances
非常に不公平だ: オーストラリアのビザ取り締まりは留学生を混乱させ、大学の財政を直撃している

This article is more than 8 months old

Student applications and net arrivals fall as refusal rates reach a record high. The situation is set to worsen if visa fees are hiked in the upcoming budget

It took Rajesh more than 12 months to receive his visa to study in Australia.
But Rajesh – not his real name – considers himself lucky. Two of his friends who also come from India have recently had their PhD offers expire after waiting for visas for more than 10 months.
“It’s frustrating … especially considering PhD students are crucially important,” says Rajesh, who comes from the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, considered a red flag by universities trying to weed out non-genuine applicants. “They are fully funded and highly skilled individuals who contribute significantly to our academic community.”


As part of a bid to halve net migration by 2025, the Australian government is cracking down on non-genuine students who use student visas as a back door for work and permanent residency. The federal government has announced a series of reforms, including tougher visa conditions, stronger English-language tests and rules for education agents who bring overseas students to Australia.

The latest home affairs data shows the proportion of offshore student visa applications being refused has reached a record high, with as many as one in five students having their visas rejected in the year to March. Visas granted to Indian students fell by 48% between December 2022 and December 2023, with Nepalese visas granted falling 53% and Pakistani visas falling 55% over the same period.

The department cites an increase in incomplete applications and fraudulent documentation, contributing to both higher visa refusal rates and longer processing times. The tougher visa conditions have prompted institutions to change their policies, with some even imposing blanket bans on Indian students.

The home affairs minister, Clare O’Neil, says the federal government recognises “change is hard” but migration is “too high” and must be brought back to “sustainable levels”.
“We are working with the sector to help providers adapt, but we must restore integrity to the system to protect the sector’s international reputation,” she says.
But some say the approach is having a financial impact on institutions and disrupting the plans of genuine students who may be turned off studying in Australia altogether.

What’s going on?

The founder and president of the Pakistani Students Association of Australia, Zeeshan Malik, says many offshore students are experiencing visa refusals, while others are scared to travel back home lest their visas be cancelled on return to Australia.
オーストラリア・パキスタン人学生協会(Pakistani Students Association of Australia)の設立者兼会長であるジーシャン・マリク(Zeeshan Malik)氏によると、多くの留学生がビザの発給を拒否されており、またオーストラリアに帰国した際にビザが取り消されることを恐れて、帰国を躊躇している学生もいるという。

While there have not been any reported cases of students having their visas cancelled on return, Malik says students feel they are being discriminated against based upon their country of origin.
“It’s very unfair,” he says. “Lots of students are struggling with mental health and other issues because of these confusing policies.”

A University of Sydney spokesperson says a “significant number” of students have been forced to defer or withdraw their applications due to visa processing delays, while others have been suspended to fulfil additional requirements.
“This has been very disruptive to highly capable young people from around the world who had paid their visa application fee and chosen to come to Australia for their studies,” the spokesperson says.
“We have moved our last date to apply for semester 2 to try to limit any such impact for future students.”
The University of Melbourne has also “faced challenges” this semester, with a number of students yet to receive their visas for the 2024 intake. A spokesperson says it has provided an extension to allow enrolled international students to start later.


Central Queensland University has gone even further, writing to education agents confirming it will no longer offer English language programs to students from India or Nepal, or enrolments to applicants over 25 or married, except for research placements.
“With many universities witnessing an increase in student visa refusals, it has been necessary for CQUniversity to proactively reconsider admissions requirements on a regular basis,” a spokesperson says.
“We have a moral obligation to ensure that prospective students have the best opportunity to successfully obtain a student visa.
“Such an outcome is not good for the student, the university, or the reputation of Australia as a global study destination.”

セントラル・クイーンズランド大学(Central Queensland University)は、さらに踏み込んで、インドやネパールからの学生への英語プログラムの提供や、25歳以上または既婚の志願者への入学は、研究実習を除き、今後は行わないことを教育エージェントに書面で確認した。

Why universities are imposing blanket bans

Phil Honeywood, the chief executive of the International Education Association of Australia (IEAA), says stigmatising entire nations is a “blunt instrument” that ignores the benefits of diversity.
“We’re supposed to be a welcoming, safe nation,” he says. “It’s a shame sometimes blunt policy instruments go against other government policies.”

Honeywood says universities are imposing restrictive measures on international students in the hope it will improve their risk ratings, which are used by the federal government to reduce student numbers.
The system assesses universities based upon how likely they are to recruit non-genuine students who arrive in Australia primarily to work, not study. Visas are given a risk rating between 1 and 3, and only low-risk universities on level 1 have visa applications processed quickly.

Earlier this month, the list was updated, with nine universities downgraded to a level 2 and two downgraded to a level 3.
According to Honeywood, less than 10% of international student visas are waiting to be approved at low-risk universities while universities at level 2 and 3 are facing extensive delays.
During a webinar hosted by the IEAA at the beginning of the university year, Charles Sturt University’s pro-chancellor, international, Mike Ferguson, said 40% of international students enrolled in his university – which is a level 2 – were still waiting on visa decisions in the first week of the semester.
“Speaking to my colleagues at other universities, I know many others are in similar situations,” he says.
“You’re looking at refusal rates for offshore students in most markets in the region of 50%.”


チャールズ・スタート大学(Charles Sturt University)のマイク・ファーガソン(Mike Ferguson)国際担当プロ・キャンセラーは、IEAA主催のウェビナーで、同大学(レベル2)に在籍する留学生の40%が、学期初めの週にもビザの決定を待っていると述べた。

Level 3 institution Federation University has faced significant budget pressure since the migration crackdown. It recently announced plans to cut 200 ongoing positions – the equivalent of just over one in 10 staff members.
A spokesperson for the university said the announcement came in response to a 49% decline in international student numbers between 2019 and 2023, which had been exacerbated by “unexpected but necessary changes to international student visa arrangements”.

Similarly, the University of Tasmania – also at level 3 – announced last month it would sell two of its Hobart hotels intended to house international students in anticipation of declining numbers.
Private institutions have also been hit hard. According to English Australia, the national peak body for more than 100 English language colleges for international students, visa grants plummeted by 68% in December 2023 compared with the previous year.

What the future holds

The share of international students is likely to decrease further with an anticipated hike in student visa fees in the May budget, making Australia “well and truly” the most expensive country to apply for a non-refundable visa, according to Honeywood.
Honeywood says international students are facing a “blame game” as the only migration market to Australia that can feasibly be reduced.
ハニーウッド氏によると、5月の予算で学生ビザ料金の値上げが予想されるため、留学生の割合はさらに減少する可能性が高く、オーストラリアは払い戻し不可のビザを申請するのに 「本当に 」最も費用がかかる国になるという。

The former immigration department deputy secretary Abul Rizvi agrees. He says while higher visa fees are likely, it will be “poor long-term policy”.
“It will mostly deter high-performing students who have options of going elsewhere,” he says. “Policy must be designed to encourage and reward providers to compete for the best students not just those who can apparently afford to pay.”

Rizvi says the cautious approach being taken by providers, coupled with the ramping up of refusal rates for offshore student applications, led to a big fall in student visa applications in February and a fall in net student arrivals in March.

“That trend will likely continue over the next few months,” he says. “But while the flow of students is slowing, the stock is still rising and is now well over a record 700,000,” he says, referring to the number of international students in Australia.
“The industry is built on continuous growth. Under the risk rating system, lower tier providers are particularly vulnerable. They are the ones complaining the most.”


To Rajesh, the decline in quality lies squarely with universities and the government.
“Students are not responsible for that,” he says. “Blaming everything on students and their respective countries is not solving the problem.”

This article was amended on 6 May 2024 because Mike Ferguson is Charles Sturt University’s pro-chancellor, international, not vice-chancellor of the university as an earlier version said.



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